I submit my impression and my cone bean on the LYRA ETK guide ordering platform.
The merging of impression files and scans and the continuous improvement of kits and 3D printers have improved the accuracy of the guides while making them more affordable. LYRA ETK offers a planning service and controls the entire workflow on its online platform, making it easy to order your guides. It's so simple, safe and affordable that there's no reason to miss out. Guided surgery becomes an automatic way of making your surgeries safer.
Submit your impressions (digital or physical*) and DICOM files on the guide ordering platform, and our experts will propose an implant planning. After validation, LYRA ETK will take care of the 3D printing. *A courier can be sent to collect the impression.
I submit my impression and my cone bean on the LYRA ETK guide ordering platform.
LYRA ETK carries out the implant planning.
LYRA ETK will print the guide once I have validated it.
I perform the surgery.
I do the planning myself. LYRA ETK implants are available in most planning software.
I perform the surgery.
The kit has an arrowed path that shows you which series of drills to use.
Thanks to the self-guiding drills, even on the shortest versions, the complete surgical kit guarantees simple and effective guidance.
The kit has arch-shaped slots for placing the tubes containing the implants in the correct order, in phase with the planning, to ensure a smooth protocol from bone marking to implant insertion.
The guide sleeve is a single dimension, so there is no need to handle additional spoons or sleeves. This makes handling the guide even safer.
To carry out your clinical cases with any implant system.
The complete guided surgery sleeve (reference CGC_TG) has two additional flats to position the implants as close as possible during your surgery.
This evolution allows a gain of 1mm.
The clinical study by Faris Younes et al. measured the deviation observed between three surgical techniques:
The results of the analysis showed that complete guided surgery was the most accurate, with an average deviation of 0.97 mm. Simplified guided surgery had a mean deviation of 1.43 mm. Finally, freehand surgery had a mean deviation of 2.11 mm.